Speed bumps and other traffic calming devices have been used for years to help control the speed of traffic in certain areas. Speed bumps are most often spotted in parking lots and neighborhoods, but it is not uncommon to see them out and about in other parts of the city as well. Over the years, a few different variations of the speed bump have started to emerge. In today’s blog here at Buffalo Green Products, we go over a few of the different types of speed bumps, their uses, and common speedbump materials!
Looking for a great, portable, recycled rubber speed bump? Check out our parking lot safety products here at Buffalo Green Products today!
Traditional Speed Bumps
Traditional speed bumps are what most people think of when they think speed bumps. They are typically narrow and tall asphalt bumps that punish you for driving too fast with a jaw-shattering jolt. Speed bumps are generally used to slow traffic to less than five miles per hour and are often used in school parking lots, some private roads, and in some neighborhoods.
There are a few sub-types of speed bumps that can be implemented like:
Permanent speed bumps are as the name suggests. They are immovable because they are either poured directly into the asphalt or have anchors that keep it in place to make it one with the pavement.
Portable speed bumps are moveable speed bumps that you can place wherever a speed bump is needed. These are great for certain events that travel from place to place, when you don’t always need a speed bump out, or when you need traffic calming in different locations depending on the situation.
At Buffalo Green Products, we offer a variety of speed bumps created from recycled rubber that can either be anchored for a permanent speed bump or make for a great portable speed bump. Learn more by checking out our recycled rubber speed bumps here!
Dynamic Speed Bumps
Dynamic speed bumps are different from conventional speed bumps due to the way they operate. Dynamic speed bumps only activate if a vehicle is going faster than a predetermined speed. Once the speed threshold is met, the system will activate. This means that the bump may raise or in some cases, the level surface will lower to activate the traffic calming protocol. These are significantly more complex and use systems like radar or pressure gauges to determine whether or not to activate. They are useful because they can be customized so that emergency vehicles and people traveling the appropriate speed can pass with no issue, while the speedsters are slowed through a traffic calming system.
Speed Humps
Speed humps tend to be a bit more gentle than speed bumps. Instead of a sudden and dramatic elevation change that jolts the drive to attention, they rock the car with a more subtle and drawn-out elevation gain and reduction. Speed humps are much longer than their bump counterpart which is why they are a more gentle but still effective traffic calming method. Even though they are less aggressive because of their elongated rise and fall, they are relatively rare due to the upfront cost and the cost of maintenance.
At Buffalo Green Products, we have a variety of portable speed bumps and speed humps to fit any situation. Check out our expansive collection of recycled rubber speed bumps and humps here.
Speed Cushions
Speed cushions are very similar to speed humps because, like speed humps, they gain elevation over a longer distance, making for more gentle rocking and slowing rather than a jolt. However, speed cushions often don’t cover the full width of the roadway. They are set to the standard width of traditional vehicles so they slow most people. Emergency vehicles and trucks with a wider wheelbase can pass through uninhibited though, making it a viable solution for many different areas. We don't offer this product, but our strategic partner, RubberForm Recycled Products, does! Check out their speed cushions here!
Speed Tables
Speed tables are most often associated with crosswalks. They are called speed tables because of their design. They have a gentle slope up to a long, flat surface, then a gentle slope back down. The raised crosswalk surface makes pedestrians more visible while also helping to control the speed of passing vehicles. Since the top platform is usually long enough to fit the entire vehicle, the slowing function is very gentle. They are most often used on roads with speed limits above 20 miles an hour since they aren’t quite as aggressive in slowing down vehicles. We don't offer this product, but our strategic partner, RubberForm Recycled Products, does! Check out their speed tables here!
Rumble Strips
Rumble strips aren’t necessarily a speed bump in the traditional sense, but they can still be employed as a traffic calming method. Rumble strips are most often on the side of highways. They are the strips of bumps that shake your vehicle and create a noise that catches your attention. They are designed to make help keep drivers alert or warn them of upcoming hazards.
There are a variety of materials that can be used to make different types of speed bumps. The most common materials used include:
- Recycled rubber (Buffalo Green Product’s material of choice)
- Asphalt
- Concrete
- Brick (most often used for speed tables)
- Plastic
- Metal